Results for 'Marilena von Köppen'

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  1.  22
    Researching with Care – Participatory Health Research with Afghan Women Refugees in Germany During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case with Commentaries.Naseem S. Tayebi, Marilena von Köppen, Petra Plunger, Susanne Börner & Sarah Banks - 2023 - Ethics and Social Welfare 17 (2):229-235.
    This article comprises a short case exemplifying ethical challenges arising for a participatory researcher working with Afghan women refugees during the Covid-19 pandemic in Germany. The researcher is an Iranian-German woman, qualified as a midwife, undertaking doctoral research on refugees’ access to reproductive health care. Disclosures about some women’s experience of domestic violence are made, which raise ethical issues for the researcher relating to personal-professional boundaries, roles and responsibilities. Two commentaries are given on this case from participatory researchers based in (...)
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    Corporate Social Responsibility: One Size Does Not Fit All. Collecting Evidence from Europe.Argandoña Antonio & von Weltzien Hoivik Heidi - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 89 (S3):221-234.
    This article serves as an introduction to the collection of papers in this monographic issue on "What the European tradition can teach about Corporate Social Responsibility" and presents the rationale and the main hypotheses of the project. We maintain that corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an ethical concept, that the demands for socially responsible actions have been around since before the Industrial Revolution and that companies have responded to them, especially in Europe, and that the content of CSR has evolved (...)
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    Object perception and object-directed reaching in infancy.Claes von Hofsten & Elizabeth S. Spelke - 1985 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 114 (2):198-212.
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    Leadership in an Egalitarian Society.Christopher von Rueden, Michael Gurven, Hillard Kaplan & Jonathan Stieglitz - 2014 - Human Nature 25 (4):538-566.
    Leadership is instrumental to resolution of collective action dilemmas, particularly in large, heterogeneous groups. Less is known about the characteristics or effectiveness of leadership in small-scale, homogeneous, and relatively egalitarian societies, in which humans have spent most of our existence. Among Tsimane’ forager-horticulturalists of Bolivia, we (1) assess traits of elected leaders under experimental and naturalistic conditions and (2) test whether leaders impact or differentially benefit from collective action outcomes. We find that elected leaders are physically strong and have more (...)
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    Die determination der freiheit.Von Bernhard Casper - 2008 - Idee 68:141-152.
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    Probability and determinism.Jan Von Plato - 1982 - Philosophy of Science 49 (1):51-66.
    This paper discusses different interpretations of probability in relation to determinism. It is argued that both objective and subjective views on probability can be compatible with deterministic as well as indeterministic situations. The possibility of a conceptual independence between probability and determinism is argued to hold on a general level. The subsequent philosophical analysis of recent advances in classical statistical mechanics (ergodic theory) is of independent interest, but also adds weight to the claim that it is possible to justify an (...)
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    Remote Harms and Non-constitutive Crimes.A. P. Simester & Andrew Von Hirsch - 2009 - Criminal Justice Ethics 28 (1):89-107.
    Many of the most serious crimes that fall within the justificatory scope of the harm principle do so constitutively. They do so in the sense that the harm that the crime is designed to prevent is a...
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    Ethics After Wittgenstein: Contemplation and Critique.Richard Amesbury & Hartmut von Sass (eds.) - 2021 - London, UK: Bloomsbury.
    What does it mean for ethics to say, as Wittgenstein did, that philosophy “leaves everything as it is”? -/- Though clearly absorbed with ethical questions throughout his life and work, Wittgenstein's remarks about the subject do not easily lend themselves to summation or theorizing. Although many moral philosophers cite the influence or inspiration of Wittgenstein, there is little agreement about precisely what it means to do ethics in the light of Wittgenstein. -/- Ethics after Wittgenstein brings together an international cohort (...)
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    University Policy Activism in the History of Science, Medicine and Technology: The Mittelbau Working Group.Bettina Bock von Wülfingen, David Freis, Nadine Metzger, Christian Sammer, Alexander von Schwerin, Heiko Stoff & Florence Vienne - 2024 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 32 (3):289-296.
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    A teoria teológica da religião de David Tracy.Jefferson Zeferino & Rudolf Eduard von Sinner - forthcoming - Horizonte:676-676.
    Ao se ocupar da pesquisa acerca da teoria teológica da religião formulada a partir do pensamento do teólogo jesuíta estadunidense David Tracy, o presente texto objetiva recolher impulsos para o estudo teológico da religião. Para tanto, examinam-se as obras _Blessed Rage for Order: the new pluralism in Theology_, _A imaginação analógica: a teologia cristã e a cultura do pluralismo _ e _Plurality and ambiguity_: _hermeneutics, religion, hope_ no que tange à definição de religião. Como resultado das contribuições tracyanas ao estudo (...)
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    A fenomenologia como retorno à ontologia em Martin Heidegger.Newton Aquiles von Zuben - 2011 - Trans/Form/Ação 34 (2):85-102.
    a elaboração de uma ontologia fenomenológica era uma possibilidade inscrita no próprio projeto filosófico husserliano. Em que sentido, no entanto, o espírito da máxima da ?volta às coisas mesmas? serviu de inspiração ao retorno à questão do ser? Em que medida as elaborações ontológicas que se atribuíram o título de fenomenológicas permaneceram fiéis ao espírito geral e às diretrizes formais do pensamento de Husserl? É na tentativa de responder a essas questões que nos propomos examinar a posição especial de Heidegger (...)
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    Leibniz on Concurrence, Spontaneity, and Authorship.Julia von Bodelschwingh - 2011 - Modern Schoolman 88 (3/4):267-297.
    Leibniz holds that creatures require divine concurrence for all their actions, and that this concurrence is 'special,' that is, directed at the particular qualities of each action. This gives rise to two potential problems. The first is the problem of explaining why special concurrence does not make God a co-author of creaturely actions. Second, divine concurrence may seem incompatible with the central Leibnizian doctrine that substances must act spontaneously, or independently of other substances. Concurrence, in other words, may appear to (...)
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  13.  14
    On Double Quantification.G. H. von Wright - 1952 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 17 (3):201-203.
  14.  56
    Zarathustra:'That malicious dionysian'.Gudrun von Tevenar - 2013 - In Ken Gemes & John Richardson (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Nietzsche. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Book synopsis: 32 specially written essays, by world-renowned scholars in the field State-of-the-art, comprehensive coverage of Nietzsche's life, works, and central ideas Includes chapters on all of Nietzsche's principal works Essential reading for anyone working in the area The diversity of Nietzsche's books, and the sheer range of his philosophical interests, have posed daunting challenges to his interpreters. This Oxford Handbook addresses this multiplicity by devoting each of its 32 essays to a focused topic, picked out by the book's systematic (...)
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    Skolem's discovery of gödel-Dummett logic.Jan von Plato - 2003 - Studia Logica 73 (1):153 - 157.
    Attention is drawn to the fact that what is alternatively known as Dummett logic, Gödel logic, or Gödel-Dummett logic, was actually introduced by Skolem already in 1913. A related work of 1919 introduces implicative lattices, or Heyting algebras in today's terminology.
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  16. Punishment, penance and the state: A reply to Duff.Andrew Von Hirsch - 2002 - In Derek Matravers & Jonathan E. Pike (eds.), Debates in Contemporary Political Philosophy: An Anthology. New York: Routledge.
  17.  8
    Marilena Chaui: pensamento, afetos e análise da obra.Marilena de Souza Chauí & Daysi Bregantini (eds.) - 2020 - São Paulo, Brasil: Cult Editora.
  18. Totung auf verlangen.Joseph Schmucker-von Koch - 2003 - Aletheia 7:263.
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    Literaturverzeichnis.Alexander von Aphrodisias - 1995 - In Alexander von Aphrodisias & Andreas Zierl (eds.), Über Das Schicksal. De Gruyter. pp. 231-236.
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  20. KIEL: Ein Kommunikationsinstrument für die Evaluation von Lehrveranstaltungen.G. Gediga, K. Von Kannen, F. Schnieder, S. Köhne, H. Luck & B. Schneider - forthcoming - Methodos. Bangor, Bissendorf.
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    Problems in the theory of knowledge.G. H. von Wright (ed.) - 1972 - The Hague,: M. Nijhoff.
    Symposium in Helsinki, 24-27 August 1970 / Entretiens de Helsinki, 24-27 août 1970.
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    Mikroskopische theorie des anisotropen elektron-phonon-systems in supraleitern II. art.Von H. Teichler - 1974 - Philosophical Magazine 30 (6):1209-1222.
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    Disquisitionum philosophiae Kantianae libri duo..von Zallinger zum Thurm & Jakob Anton - 1799 - Bruxelles: Culture et civilisation.
    liber 1. Disquiritur Critice rationis purae.--liber 2. Discutitur sic dicta Fundatio metaphysices morum.
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  24. 2. Husserl–Heidegger and “the Things Themselves”.Friedrich-Wilhelm von Herrmann - 2013 - In Hermeneutics and Reflection: Heidegger and Husserl on the Concept of Phenomenology. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. pp. 91-104.
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    Mishkat-ul-Masabih.G. E. von Grunebaum & James Robson - 1962 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 82 (4):563.
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    Multidisciplinarity and cognitive science.Barbara Von Eckardt - 2001 - Cognitive Science 25 (3):453-470.
    The aim of Schunn, Crowley and Okada's (1998) study is to address the question of whether the current state of cognitive science, as represented by Cognitive Science and the Cognitive Science Society, “reflects the multidisciplinary ideals of its foundation.” To properly interpret and respond to their results, we need to ask a prior question: What is cognitive science's multidisciplinary ideal? There are at least two conceptions—a “localist” conception, which seems to be implicit in Schunn, Crowley and Okada's discussion, and a (...)
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  27.  51
    Normativer Individualismus versus normativer Kollektivismus in der Politischen Philosophie der Neuzeit.Dietmar von der Pfordten - 2000 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 54 (4):491 - 513.
    Eine Analyse der Politischen Philosophie der Neuzeit kann – soll sie nicht lediglich einzelne Autoren oder Werke reihen – zwei methodische Wege einschlagen. Sie kann zum einen mit einer detaillierten Werkinterpretation wichtiger Denker wie Hobbes, Locke oder Kant beginnen und quasiinduktiv den historischen Fortgang der Hauptdiskussionen zu rekonstruieren suchen. Sie kann aber auch wesentliche abstrakte Verlaufskategorien vorschlagen, mit deren Hilfe dann umgekehrt in einem quasideduktiven Konkretionsschritt die Beiträge eminenter Denker möglichst gut verstanden, eingeordnet und gewürdigt werden.Der vorliegende Text wird zum (...)
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  28.  32
    X.—Philosophy and its History.W. von Leyden - 1954 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 54 (1):187-208.
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  29. On the facts underlying geometry.Hermann von Helmholtz - 1977 - In Robert Cohen & Elkana Yehuda (eds.), Hermann Von Helmholtz: Epistemological Writings. Reidel. pp. 39-58.
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    A lembrança que trago de Gilda, uma entrevista com Marilena Chaui.Marilena Chaui & Silvana de Souza Ramos - 2023 - Discurso 53 (1):226-234.
    Entrevista de Marilena Chaui conce­dida a Silvana de Souza Ramos, no dia 08 de setembro de 2022, nas dependências do Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros (IEB/USP), instituição que abriga o Fundo Gilda de Mello e Souza.
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    Les conceptions quantiques de 1911 a 1937. Girolamo Ramunni.Karl von Meyenn - 1983 - Isis 74 (2):298-300.
  32. Le Dieu de R. M. Rilke.F. Von Rintelen - 1958 - Archives de Philosophie 21:504.
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    Liberalismul in traditia clasica.Ludwig von Mises (ed.) - 2012 - Editura Universitatil "Alexandru Ioan Cuza".
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    Le Timée de Platon.Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling - 2005 - Villeneuve d'Ascq: Presses universitaires du septentrion.
    En 1794, Schelling propose une lecture très orientée du Timée de Platon, qui est pris comme porte-enseigne dans les débats post-kantiens sur la relation entre forme et matière de la connaissance : le travail que l'intellect ...
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  35. Lehre und Forschung in den Naturwissenschaften und der Medizin Italiens im Medium der Deutschen Reiseliteratur des 18. Jahrhunderts.Dietrich Von Engelhardt - forthcoming - Philosophia Scientiae.
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  36. Leben und Tod, Grundfragen der Existenz.Bela von Brandenstein - 1953 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 143:112-114.
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    MIMESIS EN EL QUIJOTE. Una lectura platónica de su práctica imitativa (A propósito de I, caps. 49-50).Giselle von der Walde - 2006 - Ideas Y Valores 55 (130):23-37.
    Frente a argumentos tomados de las poéticas neoaristotélicas que esgrime el canónigo para condenar los libros de caballerías, don Quijote pretende mostrar con su propio ejemplo, que ese tipo de lecturas no llevan a la locura ni al abandonó de sí mismo, sino que por el contrario sacan lo mejor de la ..
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  38.  23
    Money, method, and the market process.Ludwig von Mises - unknown
  39.  5
    Myten om framsteget: tankar 1987-1992 med en intellektuell självbiografi.G. H. von Wright - 1993 - [Stockholm]: Bonnier.
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    Membrane protein assembly: Rules of the game.Gunnar von Heijne - 1995 - Bioessays 17 (1):25-30.
    Integral membrane proteins are found in all cellular membranes and fulfil many of the functions that are central to life. A critical step in the biosynthesis of membrane proteins is their insertion into the lipid bilayer. The mechanisms of membrane protein insertion and folding are becoming increasingly better understood, and efficient methods for the ab initio prediction of three‐dimensional protein structure from the primary amino acid sequence may be within reach. Already, the basic tools needed for engineering and de novo (...)
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  41. Nachweis aus Teichmuller, Gustav: Die wirkliche und die scheinbare Welt.W. von Rahden - 2003 - Nietzsche Studien 32:447-447.
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    O acervo Nietzsche na biblioteca herzogin Anna amalia em weimar.Erdmann Von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff - 2008 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 20 (27):367.
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  43. On thought in medicine.Hermann von Helmholtz - 1938 - Baltimore,: The Johns Hopkins press.
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    Positionspapier der Deutschen Akademie für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin (DAKJ): „Begrenzung lebenserhaltender Therapie im Kindes- und Jugendalter“ vom Dezember 2007.Volker von Loewenich - 2008 - Ethik in der Medizin 20 (2):140-142.
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    Philosophical idealism in germany: The way from Kant to Hegel and the present.Fritz-Joachim von Rintelen - 1977 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 38 (1):1-32.
  46.  19
    P. Joachim Bouvet, S. J.: Sein Leben und sein Werk.Claudia von Collani - 1988 - Philosophy East and West 38 (4):450-452.
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    Politics, law, society, history and religion in the "politica" (1590s-1650s): interdisciplinary perspectives on an interdisciplinary subject.Robert von Friedeburg (ed.) - 2013 - New York: Georg Olms.
    The Politica as a specific genre of academic reflection on civil life developed from the later sixteenth century and flourished until at least the mid-seventeenth century, especially at universities in the Holy Roman Empire and where their influence was felt, as in the Dutch Republic. Theologians, Philosophers, Jurists, and Medical Doctors contributed books. Aside from few and only with difficulty accessible surveys, and a few individual well-researched authors, research into this genre remains a task for the future. This survey collects (...)
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  48. Pessimistische Religionsphilosophie der Gegenwart.Fritz-Joachim von Rintelen - 1924 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 4 (9):107-107.
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  49. Philosophische Schriften, Bd. 4 : Metaphysik.Christian von Ehrenfels & Reinhard Fabian - 1992 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 54 (3):573-573.
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    Philosophie und normale Sprache.Eike von Savigny - 1969 - München,: Alber.
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